14 hours
Saturday May 11th 2024
6PM Talk
Hosted by Laura Sullivan Cassidy
940 S. Harney St. Seattle
Join us at Prairie Underground on Saturday, May 11th from 5-8PM to see, hear, and experience the results of Janelle Abbott’s “14 Hours”, a performance conduct by Janelle over 6 days with a total of 84 hours sewing in the gallery space. On display will be a series of textile tapestries created by Janelle, during 14 Hours, utilizing scrap materials from Prairie Underground production. The artist will be present and in conversation with Laura Sullivan Cassidy at 6PM to talk about her intentions with the performance, her experience, the results and/or aftermath, and her future plans. If you watched her performance at any point while it was live streaming on Twitch, now is your opportunity to see the results of Janelle’s efforts and hear a recap of her experience! This event is free but a donation is suggested.
Those attending this event are encouraged to donate $7, $14, or $21—representing 2, 4, or 6 days of Janelle’s labor, respectively. Garment workers in Bangladesh are some of the lowest paid and most vulnerable to unsafe and exploitive working conditions. Many earn $3.50 a day or less for their 10-16 hours of labor. Each day of her performance, Janelle created one tapestry, quilt, or textile work of art that will be sold or auctioned at a later date in order to raise money for garment workers’ rights and reparation. Since each piece represents 14 hours of Janelle’s labor, she will receive $3.50 per artwork sold (in keeping with the daily wage of a Bangladeshi garment worker). As a result, Janelle will be paid $21 for her 84 hours of labor. Your donations to the artist for her time speaking on her performance are greatly appreciated.